Fundraising Stories

Brave Julie’s year-long battle with Multiple Myeloma

Brave Julie’s year-long battle with Multiple Myeloma

Julie Waines knew something was wrong with her health when she started falling asleep at work and had to spend her lunch breaks taking a nap in her car. But the 65-year-old data processor, who works for Northern Powergrid in Stockton on Tees, had never heard of...

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Couple’s 10k fundraiser for Leukaemia research

Couple’s 10k fundraiser for Leukaemia research

Jacob Riley and his girlfriend Lydia Heaton have raised more than £1,500 for our charity after completing a 10k sponsored run following a blood cancer diagnosis for Jacob’s sister. Megan Porter, 27, was working as a primary school teacher in South Korea when she...

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Restaurant founders named Fundraisers of the Year

Restaurant founders named Fundraisers of the Year

Founders of Lunya restaurant and deli, Elaine Kinsella and her husband Peter have been named as our Fundraisers of the Year for their incredible work on behalf of our charity. This is the second time that the duo has been named winners of the award, after jointly...

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100 miles in a month to raise awareness of Multiple Myeloma

100 miles in a month to raise awareness of Multiple Myeloma

A couple embarked on a gruelling challenge to complete 100 miles in a month to raise money for our charity – after one of their parents was diagnosed with life-threatening Multiple Myeloma. Jonny Turner and Nichola Harrower from Wigan walked, ran and cycled to clock...

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The importance of supporting second-hand fashion

The importance of supporting second-hand fashion

It takes a staggering eight billion cubic metres of water to produce all the new clothing bought in the UK every year. According to Oxfam, producing a single cotton t-shirt requires 5,400 bottles of water and a pair of jeans needs 16,000 bottles of water – enough to...

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Wendy Forrest walks 20 miles in blazing heat for LMRUK

Wendy Forrest walks 20 miles in blazing heat for LMRUK

Fundraiser Wendy Forrest has taken part in her second Kiltwalk to raise money for our charity in memory of her husband, Alan. Wendy and five friends braved one of the hottest days of the year for the picturesque walk from St Andrew’s to Slessor Gardens, Dundee – a...

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