Research Strategy

Why the charity funds research

Leukaemia & Myeloma Research UK wants to prevent people dying from blood cancer through more effective treatment in the future. The Charity supports research into the nature, causes, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure of leukaemia and myeloma.

Our funding priorities

LMRUK will fund researchers to advance their understanding of stem cells and how they can use them to treat blood cancer patients, particularly through stem cell transplants. All applications will be assessed by the Research Review Committee (RRC) to ensure that they are relevant to the Charities objectives, blood cancer and its treatment using stem cells

Who the charity will fund

The Trustees welcome proposals that support their funding priorities from researchers from institutions across the UK in accordance with the Research and Grant policy.

How to apply for a grant

Call for grant applications will be held once a year, usually in the Spring, details will be published in the Charity’s website. The timescale for grant programmes will be set out in the grant application and approved by the RRC and Trust Board.

The charity fully supports the Association of Medical Research Charities position statement on the use of animals in research, which can be reviewed here. LMRUK supports the principle of using animals in research only when it is necessary to advance understanding of serious health conditions to develop better treatments and there is no alternative that can be used to find out the same information without using animals. For more details please see our Research and Grant policy.

The Charity Conflicts of Interest Policy requires that all members of the RRC to declare any conflicts of interest that they may have with any grant applicants or applications.

How we make decisions about grants

Grant applications are reviewed by our Research and Review Committee that comprises of one Trustee, or a representative from the Charity and at least 4 expert scientists appointed by the Trust Board. The RRC makes recommendations to the Charity’s Trustee Board who make the final decision on which applications will be awarded funding.

The Charity does not receive any funding from the Government and all funding awarded is due to donations received from our generous donors.

The Charity’s Research Strategy will be reviewed every 2 years. 

Research Grant application

Leukaemia & Myeloma Research UK offer research grants to those who uphold our primary objectives: to benefit the public to protect and promote the health of the public, in particular by research into the nature, causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure of leukaemia and myeloma, including the development of research into practical applications for the prevention, treatment and cure of leukaemia and myeloma and to provide information and raise public understanding of such matters.

The Trustees at Leukaemia & Myeloma Research UK recognise that a limited amount of funds are available to distribute each year. The Trustees’ current funding priorities are to advance understanding of stem cells and how they can be used to treat blood cancer patients, particularly through stem cell transplants.

The research grant application process is now closed. The next funding round will be in 2025.


Apply for a research grant

Before making your application please be sure to read both the
Grant Award Terms & Conditions
and the
Research & Grant Policy

Research Review Committee

Our Research Review Committee (RRC) comprises of at least 4 scientists appointed by the Trust Board. Members of the RRC are volunteers appointed for a three-year term that may, at the discretion of the Trust Board, be extended for a further three years.

The current scientist members of the RRC are:

  • Dr Paul Spencer Hole, Senior Research Scientist. Has been engaging in academic research at Cardiff University and extends his experience in a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company.
  • Dr Rhys Morgan, Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences in Department of Biochemistry and Biomedicine, at the University of Sussex.
  • Dr Claire Seedhouse, Associate Professor within Division of Cancer and Stem Cells, University of Nottingham. She is Principle Investigator and research group leader in Blood Cancer at the University of Nottingham.
  • Professor Joseph R. Slupsky, Reader in Department of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine, University of Liverpool. He is Principal Investigator of the Liverpool Blood Disease Biobank and Academic Lead University of Liverpool Technology Directorate Cell Sorting and Flow/Mass Cytometry Facility.
  • Dr John JonesSenior Clinical Lecturer – Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Honorary Consultant Haematologist – Kings College Hospital NHS Trust, London and Eastbourne District General Hospital
  • Dr Salvatore Papa an Associate Professor at Leeds University whose research speciality is in Lymphoma and Myeloma. 

Seeking new members

We are currently seeking new members to join our Research Review Committee. Applications from Researchers are currently closed. Applications from clinical haematologists are still welcome. This is to ensure we have a balanced committee.

To apply, please read the
Conflict Of Interest Policy
and then click the button below to download and complete the Research Review Committee Member Application Form

Registered charity number 1161622 (England & Wales), SC046106 (Scotland), Company Limited by guarantee Registered number 09481278 © Leukaemia & Myeloma Research UK 2024