Donation Bags

Unwanted items can benefit those who most need them

According to The TIMES 2018, the British bought clothes worth 12.5 billion pounds, as the growth of “disposable” fashion led to the fact that 300,000 tons of textiles were dumped, which leads to an increase in environmental pollution.

The invaluable contribution that residents make by donating clothes to charity, thus raising money for charity, undoubtedly helps to reduce the growth of environmental pollution as well as saves your local council from paying landfill tax.

Unfortunately, for this process our partner Fundraising Support Ltd has to use non-recyclable plastic charity bags as nowadays this is the only cost-effective way to carry out house-to-house clothes collection.

In spite of this, our partner Fundraising Support Ltd is actively looking for an alternative material and method for collecting clothes that will be the environment friendly.

Please don’t put good quality clothes in the bin, which you can donate to the charity!

Thank you for your support.

Bag collection been missed?

If your bag is not collected please contact the collection helpline on:
0800 368 7309
or e-mail:

Unwanted charity bags

If you wish to stop receiving unwanted charity bags at your property, please fill out the form below.

    To complete your request, we will send a confirmation to your email.

    Information submitted through this form is NOT shared with third parties

    Registered charity number 1161622 (England & Wales), SC046106 (Scotland), Company Limited by guarantee Registered number 09481278 © Leukaemia & Myeloma Research UK 2024