
Georgina’s Story: Cord Blood for Brother’s Brain Tumour

Georgina Russell from Preston, near Manchester in the UK, was four months pregnant when she received the terrible news that her older brother, Ashley, had a rare, slow-growing form of the brain tumour, glioblastoma. Determined to help her brother in any way possible,...

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Investment is in the blood for stem cell futurists

Where did you store your children's stem cells? I’m fairly certain that the vast majority of readers were not asked this question when they became parents. For now, stem cell treatments (hematopoietic cells, to be precise) are most likely to be used in the battle...

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Stem cell transplant to tackle Huntington’s disease

People with the degenerative disorder Huntington's disease could receive pioneering treatment with stem cells to try to slow development of symptoms. Cardiff University plans to begin the first transplants at a specialist brain centre by the end of the year. A new...

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New ‘cure’ for thalassemia sufferers

Thalassemia is a genetic blood disease, common across the wider Middle East and South Asia, in which victims are not able to make enough hemoglobin - a necessary component in healthy red blood cells, carrying oxygen to all parts of the body – and, thus, suffer from...

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